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ML@HZG episode 2: "Don't Fear the Sphere"
DeepSphere: a graph-based spherical CNN (ICLR'20 spotlight)
Isometric View|Spherical Dome|KTU Exam oriented video session|Crash Course#27| Part#13
From Connectomic to Task-evoked Fingerprints (MICCAI 2020)
Ch_12_Heron's formula _mcq_001
Locate a Point on a Map of the World
Hervé Lombaert: Graph Convolutions - Examples on brain surfaces
Valentina Ros| Geometrical transitions in the energy landscape of simple glassy and inference models
NIPS 2017 Spotlight Video for "Deep Hyperspherical Learning"
Alexey Glazyrin - "Domes over curves" | CGD III
Research Activities in Japan on Global Change -- Michio Kawamiya